The Extra Bad Movie is an independent feature length comedy, inspired by the people behind the action -- the extras! Follow the journey of a young man named Ethan when he books his first gig as a movie extra, as a ploy to meet his favorite actress. The diversely quirky people he meets on set will make this one of the craziest days of his life.
This movie has it all. You'll laugh, you'll cry, but mostly you'll cry from laughing. A hilariously raunchy movie, you'll see extras like you've never seen them before -- up close and personal. And it's going to get BAD. Think if Mean Girls met American Pie and they had a baby who decided to be a movie extra, you'd have The Extra Bad Movie. This is definitely one movie you don't want to miss!
For more information about the movie, check out our official website:
Please visit our Indiegogo campaign page to donate TODAY! Our budget goal is currently set for $50,000.00. While this may be a low
budget by comparison to many movies, it is a lofty goal for an
independent film. We intend to make this production as professional as
possible. We would really LOVE to raise $200,000.00 so please don't let the goal discourage you from donating more! (We'll cut the budget if we have to. It's just the difference between using professional lighting and a cell phone flashlight.) We have some great perks for contributing, so please help support this hilarious movie by donating and sharing!